
Set the ESXi software install acceptance level.

This Param specifies how the ESXi node should be configured for it's network interface post-kickstart. The supported mode types are:

Type Notes
dhcp (default) requests IP info via DHCP service
manual operator provides values via additonal params

If set to manual use the following Params are required to configure the network:

Param Notes
esxi/network-firstboot-ipaddr Sets the IP Address
esxi/network-firstboot-netmask Sets the subnet Netmask
esxi/network-firstboot-gateway Sets the Default Gateway


Currently, changing the network type from DHCP will not cause any interaction with your DRP Endpoint. This means that if you use convert to static IP assignment, the DRP endpoint will not be aware of this. You will need to create a Reservation manually to ensure your IP assignment isn't stomped on.

Similarly, if you use manual, it is your responsibility to ensure you do not map a manual IP assignment to any DHCP ranges, unless you also arrange to have that IP assignment converted to a Reservation (when using DRP as the DHCP service).

Future versions of this plugin should correct this issue.