
Cluster UUID that created the alert

The Task cluster-wait-for-members requires a filter condition to match a Machine object against to determine if the Machine has either succeeeded or failed the wait conditions.

By default the filter wait condition is set to:

  • Or(Runnable=Eq(false),WorkflowComplete=Eq(true))

For Clusters that utilize an OS installable Pipeline, the Machine objects will be set to Runnable: false when they reboot in to the OS Installer. in those cases; the cluster/wait-filter must be adjusted to not fail out when the Runnable: false condition is set (as expected).

For OS installable Pipelines the following filter MAY work. Future DRP versions may have better Machine fields to supporting this, rather than relying on overloading the Runnable field.

  • And(Workflow=Eq(universal-runbook),WorkflowComplete=Eq(true),BootEnv=Eq(local))


The above filter assumes that universal-runbook is the final chained workflow in the Pipeline. This must be adjusted to be the correct final chained workflow.


The above filter will NOT correctly catch a machine that failures out due to Workflow/Task errors setting the machine correctly to Runnable: false. The Pipeline/Workflow chains must succeed for the cluster to complete building.