
The cloud init data to send machine after first boot.

DEPRECATED: image-deploy/image-url should be used instead. The format of the value should be {{.ProvisionerURL}}/this-current-value.

  • example: {{.ProvisionerURL}}/isos/centos-7.tgz
  • example: {{.ProvisionerURL}}/files/images/windows/windows-server-2019.raw.gz
  • example: {{.ProvisionerURL}}/my_dir/some_stuff/ubuntu.tgz

The file image for image-deploy to install. This will have the Provisioner's URL prepended to the filename.

You may use the drpcli isos upload ... command to place an image into the system. If this method is used, please prepend 'isos/' to your filename. You MUST NOT have any other directories in the filename; they must reside in the base isos/ directory.

  • example: isos/centos-7.tgz

You may use the drpcli files upload ... command to place an image into the system. If this method is used, prepend 'files/' to your filename. You MAY use additional directories in the filename.

  • example: files/images/windows/windows-server-2019.raw.gz

You may also just place the image file under the DRP tftpboot directory. If this method is used, use the path relative to the tftpboot directory.

  • example: my_dir/some_stuff/ubuntu.tgz

In the above example, this might resolve to the following path on the Digital Rebar Platform filesystem, based on a default "production" install type:

  • /var/lib/dr-provision/tftpboot/my_dir/some_stuff/