
The template to use for configuring the NAT Add Bridge network.

The default package list to remove from the final installed system. The Proxmox install guides optional suggests removing the stock kernel packages. By default, this installer workflow does NOT strip these packages. To strip them, set proxmox/strip-kernel to true, and ensure this Param has the correct set of values for your installation.

The default value is:

  • "linux-image-amd64 'linux-image-4' 'linux-image-5" 'linux-image-6' 'linux-image-7' 'linux-image-8' 'linux-image-9'"


If a regex is used, you must single quote protect the regex from the shell interpretting it as a wildcard. See the default value setting for this param as a valid example.

Each pattern listed will be tested to determine if packages match the pattern before removal. apt sucks ... hard ...