
Defines any additional command line options to pass to ansible for playbooks

This param defines the possible maximum Capacity disks each VSAN group should be. This number should also be as closely evenly divisibly by the esxi/vsan-claim-cache-count param specification. This allows to create groups that are as closely balanced with Cache to Capacity disk assignments.

In the "simple" disk claiming ruleset, all Boot disks, VSAN, and VMFS claimed disks are filtered out. The list of remaining disks are sorted by size (smallest first); and then the first disk (or disks, if more than one is specified in esxi/vsan-claim-cahce-count) in the list is claimed for Cache disk; the remainder are claimed for capacity disks.

Note that VSAN can only utilize 1 Cache and 7 Capacity disks as a maximum, per VSAN disk group. This Param is responsible for activating and building multiple VSAN disk groups.

In the "simple" claiming ruleset, setting this value to "4" (for example) will select the first 4 disks in the Capacity filtered list. If the esxi/vsan-claim-cache-count is subsequently set to 2 (two); then 2 VSAN Groups with 4 Capacity disks would be built.

This Param must be an integer from 1 and NOTgreater than 7. The 7 disk capacity limit per VSAN group is a VMware restriction.

In addition - there can be no more than 5 VSAN disk groups which means that a single VSAN host can only support a maximum of 35 Capacity disks, which would require 5 Cache disks for a total of 40 VSAN claimed disks.

Even if the maximum group size is 7; it is entirely likely that group sizes will be smaller, depending on the total number of disks available in the system.

By default this Param specifies VSAN Groups of 7 capacity disks.


For VSAN Witness disk claiming, this Param is ignored as only 1 Capacity disk can be claimed.