
Defines any additional command line options to pass to ansible for playbooks

The type of the OVA Resource that is deployed via the govc/command.

Various OVA appliances exhibit unique and strange behaviors that need to be accounted for by the Digital Rebar deployment tooling at times.

For example, the VCSA 6.x OVA deployment; when complete, uses 'root@vsphere.local' account name. This is used by the govc-wait-for-vcenter task to verify the API is fully up, and the deployment is complete. However, in VCSA 7.x the username is secretly and mystically changed to 'administrator@vsphere.local'.

Setting the govc/ova-type to vcsa, and the govc/ova-version to 7, allows the tooling to magically switch auth accounts.

In the future, if unique rules in various places are required, then the combination of "ova-type" and "ova-version" can be codified in the tooling to react accordingly.