
Migrate virtual NIC (vmk) from Standard vSwitch to Distributed vSwitch

This task will attempt to update the govc binary inside the context container if it can. This task requires outbound internet access to releases by default. The URL can be overridden if a binary is staged somewhere else.

To use this Task, the Param govc/update-binary must be set to True; by default it is False.

The default download will be performed against the following HTTP URL location:

# $VER will be replaced by 'govc/update-version` Param value$VER/govc_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz

If the govc/update-url is set, it will override the above default location. You can specify Golang template constructs in the URL if desired, like:

"govc/update-url": 'https:/{{ .Param "govc/update-version" }}/govc_Linux_x86.64.tar.gz'

Assuming govc/update-version is set to v0.30.4, this Will expand to something like:

  • https:/